innreport bug in INN-CURRENT - patch applied

Yury B.Razbegin yur at
Thu Dec 6 08:16:00 UTC 2001

     Innreport does not count "elapsed time", because of
 nnrpd syslog record format changing.
   For correction of this defect I offer attached patch.

 * Yury B.Razbegin * yur at *  +7 (-8422) -35-32-09  (Fax: -41-00-19) *

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Ecartis --
-- Desc: innreport patch for INN-CURRENT

--- samples/	Thu Dec  6 10:50:20 2001
+++ samples/	Wed Dec  5 13:00:54 2001
@@ -2117,20 +2117,16 @@
         title   "NNRP total resource statistics:";
         data    "%nnrpd_resource";
         column {
-		name          "Code region";
+                name          "User";
                 format_name   "%10s";
-		format        "%13s";
+                format        "%10.3f";
 		value         "$key";
-		format_total  "TOTAL: %-8.8s";
-		total         "time(total(%nnrpd_times))";
         column {
                 name          "Time";
                 format_name   "%10s";
                 format        "%13s";
 		value         "time_ms($nnrpd_resource{$key})";
-		value         "time($nnrpd_resource{$key})";
-		total         "time(total(%nnrpd_resource))";
--- scripts/	Thu Dec  6 10:51:48 2001
+++ scripts/	Wed Dec  5 13:01:00 2001
@@ -1282,21 +1282,15 @@
       return 1;
     # times
-    if ($left =~ m/^(\S+)\s+ times\s+              # customur & time
-                   ((?:\S+\ \d+\.\d+\s*)+)         # timer values
-                   $/ox) {
-      my ( $cust, $timers ) = ($1, $2);
+    if ($left =~ /(\S+) times user (\S+) system (\S+) elapsed (\S+)$/o) {
+      my ($cust, $user, $system, $elapsed) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
       $cust = lc $cust unless $CASE_SENSITIVE;
       my $dom = &host2dom($cust);
-      while ($timers =~ /(\S+) (\d+\.\d+)\s*/g) {
-        my ($name, $value) = ($1, $2);
-        $nnrpd_resource{$name} += $value;
-        if ($name =~ /elapsed/i ) {
-	   $nnrpd_times{$cust} += $value;
-	   $nnrpd_dom_times{$dom} += $value;
-	}
-      }
+      $nnrpd_times{$cust} += $elapsed;
+      $nnrpd_resource{'user'} += $user;
+      $nnrpd_resource{'sys'} += $system;
+      $nnrpd_resource{'elapsed'} += $elapsed;
+      $nnrpd_dom_times{$dom} += $elapsed;
       return 1;
     # artstats

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