makehistory bugs

George Lindholm George.Lindholm at
Fri Aug 27 07:58:52 UTC 1999

  I just noticed a bug with the 08_26 makehistory (and possibly earlier).
When makehistory creates the overview files, the article size is not
included with the overview record for the article.

The other "bug" is that when it comes across an article without a Xref:
header, the article is not added to the overview file. In my case this
due to me using tradspool on the local groups and having copied them lock,
stock, and barrel over from my production server. I have articles going
back over 5 five years, before inn automatically added the Xref: record.
I think the right thing to do would be to create a Xref: record for the
overview record in these cases.


George.Lindholm at        For information about ballroom dance music:
ITServices, UBC     

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