inetd.conf and

Drazen Gemic drazen.gemic at
Thu Dec 16 20:43:46 UTC 1999

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Mauricio Teixeira wrote:
> Hi folks
> I'm starting with inn, so please don't lough out loud with my doubts.
> I'm trying to install it in a test machine, receiving news from other
> site. Here I go.

You are running some variant of UNIX, I guess.

Your system is configured a bit unusually, and maybe it
is suitable for server with infrequent incomming feed, and
small number of users.

A port 119 (NNTP port) is bound by inetd daemon which
starts innd on incoming connection. 

More usual way is to let innd (INN server daemon) run
permanently. If you are not running inn as root make sure
that inndstart has setuid root permissions, so it can
bind port 119.


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