inn-2.0 - supposed error in 'parsecontrol' script.

Russ Allbery rra at
Fri Mar 31 01:12:00 UTC 2000

Russ Allbery <rra at Stanford.EDU> writes:

> FYI, the decision has been made to outlaw interpretation of a message
> without a Control header but with a Subject starting with "cmsg " as a
> control message in the next Usenet standard.

> I personally think we should do the same in INN now, starting with 2.3.
> I never see control messages without Control headers any more, and
> wouldn't want to honor them even if I did.

I have now (finally) implemented this, removing the special support in INN
for Subject: cmsg and also the support for the Also-Control header (which
I don't think was ever widely used, and which in any case is a gaping hole
waiting to happen in some filters).

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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