Newsgroup : Secondary (slave) server

bill davidsen davidsen at
Mon Oct 22 22:35:42 UTC 2001

In article <65FF773B3E39D411A82700D0B73C4EAE0113EDFC at>,
 <amran at> wrote:

| I'm going to deploy two Newsgroup servers in the office.This is for a
| load-balancing purpose.  
| Is it possible that the secondary server act as slave to the Primary server
| like "bind".
| So it will replicate all articles from the Primary server. Can INN do it ?

  Have all external posts go to the "master" server

  Have the master server feed the slave

  Have the slave running in "xrefslave" mode (see inn.conf)

  Have the master be the posting host for the slave

That should do it.
bill davidsen <davidsen at>
  CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
Doing interesting things with little computers since 1979.

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