Kerberos v5 authentication in ckpasswd or separate?

Russ Allbery rra at
Mon Dec 2 01:15:25 UTC 2002

For my own purposes, I need to add a Kerberos v5 authentication program
that takes a username and password and tries to obtain a K5 ticket.
That's probably generally useful enough that it's worth including, but I'm
not sure whether to include it as a separate program or just roll it into
ckpasswd like PAM.

It will be based on Christopher Lindsey's code, and if it were in ckpasswd
it would add a couple of additional command line options (one to do
Kerberos authentication and another to set the instance if desired).
Perhaps more problematically, that would mean that if you have Kerberos
libraries available (and most people on Solaris do these days), ckpasswd
would link with another three shared libraries and might start slower.

Any preferences?

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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