Think I found a bunch of the makehistory problem

Alex Kiernan alexk at
Tue Mar 12 17:30:31 UTC 2002

Russ Allbery <rra at> writes:

> Jeffrey M Vinocur <jeff at> writes:
> > P.S.  Since when does makehistory take care of generating
> > history.{dir,index,hash}?  Or am I hallucinating that I used to run
> > makedbz?
> Hm, I thought makedbz did that too, but maybe the history API moved things
> around?

It did, it was one of those where it was real hard to support the
previous behaviour and make it do the right thing for the future.

Someone suggested resurecting makehistory -r, but I haven't had time
to look at anything recently.

Alex Kiernan, Principal Engineer, Development, Thus PLC

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