Newbie Question.... sorry

Rob Morin rob at
Wed Mar 13 19:14:58 UTC 2002

Hello Rob here from Montreal Canada....

I recently had dumped on me a FreeBSD machine running inn V2.3.2

I sort of understand how it works,  to a point.  But since I have 80 other servers I maintain and do not have much time to work on this machine...

Everything seems fine for incoming news articles... this machine was set up only a month ago, it was never set up for outgoing posts to propagate beyond this machine....

Now I need to allow post to go out to the world like a normal news machine should.....

Can anyone either tell me how to accomplish this or point me in the right direction of reading material to do this, unfortunately I do not have the time to read through all the docs...

Any help would be appreciated...


Rob Morin(Mr.Legacy)
System Administrator
Montreal, Canada
rob at

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