lost spool

Katsuhiro Kondou Katsuhiro_Kondou at isc.org
Sat Sep 14 04:51:14 UTC 2002

In article <Pine.LNX.4.44.0209131625270.20826-100000 at puck.litech.org>,
	"Jeffrey M. Vinocur" <jeff at litech.org> wrote;

} - write a bit of Perl to patch up the Xref in each file, from overview data

The most hard part, I guess, is how to find overview data
from retrieved articles.  It should be by Message-ID in
articles, but the search would be linear in the overview
and it would take much time to finish if there are large
amount of overview data.  And furthermore, there is no
general method in overview api to retrieve whole data,
like SMnext.
Katsuhiro Kondou

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