emergency problem/question

Chuck chuck at sbbsnet.net
Mon Feb 17 15:30:15 UTC 2003

 I am sure by searching I can find this answer, and I normally do that
 first, but this requires my immediate attention with no time to
 research. I need to completely delete several threads in a local
 newsgroup that does not get distributed but can't quickly find a
 'simple' way of doing it. This is one of those threads that must be
 eliminated quickly. Basically it's adult content in a kids only forum.
 Then I am going to have to study how to make this forum moderated
 without disturbing any of the other existing posts. To keep things as
 'safe' as possible I have shut the news server down until I can rectify
 "Windows?? You mean the thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to
 a sixteen-bit patch to an eight-bit operating system originally coded
 for a four-bit microprocessor which was written by a two-bit company
 that can't stand one bit of competition? Oh, that..." -- Lee Clarke

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