Problem: submissions of articles being rejected -- sometimes

Lynn D. Maas maas at
Wed Jul 30 23:31:38 UTC 2003

I am a novice at using innd, nntp, etc. and I have a problem with innd
(or nntp?) rejecting articles after a short time and then accepting some
and then rejecting some.  I have configured inn.conf (to the best of my
understanding of options) to not throttle messages.

Some background info:

o Redhat Linux 7.3
o inn 2.3.2
o Using libinn.a routines to submit articles via my own program.
o For development and testing I have all components running on the same

I had been running fine and had successfully submitted 80,000+ articles
to the news server from my program.  I moved my environment to another
computer (same software versions, config files, etc.) and now articles
are being rejected after a short time and then only intermittently
accepted.  I intermittantly (most times after ~50 articles) get the
rejected article error message

437 EMP rejected (f/s/l)

I have configured the inn.conf to prevent throttling by inn/nntp (I think).

I have attached my inn.conf file to this message.

Any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Lynn Maas

# General Settings
mailcmd:                /usr/bin/innmail
mta:            /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -oem %s
pathhost:        localhost
# Feed Configuration
#ldm#artcutoff:         10
artcutoff:              30
hiscachesize:           0
ignorenewsgroups:       false
immediatecancel:        false
linecountfuzz:          0
maxartsize:             1000000
#ldm#maxconnections:    50
maxconnections:         200
pathalias:        VRIT03_test
pgpverify:              false
port:                   119
refusecybercancels:     false
remembertrash:          true
#ldm#usecontrolchan:    true
usecontrolchan:         false
verifycancels:          false
#ldm#wanttrash:         false
wanttrash:              true
wipcheck:               5
wipexpire:              10
# Article Storage
cnfscheckfudgesize:     0
enableoverview:         true
groupbaseexpiry:        true
mergetogroups:          false
#ldm#overcachesize:     15
overcachesize:          150
ovmethod:               tradindexed
storeonxref:            false
useoverchan:            false
wireformat:             false
xrefslave:              false
# Reading
allownewnews:           true
articlemmap:            false
#ldm#clienttimeout:     1800
clienttimeout:          3600
nnrpdcheckart:          false
nnrpperlauth:           false
nnrppythonauth:         false
noreader:               false
#ldm#readerswhenstopped: false
readerswhenstopped:     true
readertrack:            false
keywords:               false
keyartlimit:            100000
keylimit:               512
keymaxwords:            250
# Posting
addnntppostingdate:     true
addnntppostinghost:     true
checkincludedtext:      false
complaints:             maas at xxx.yyy
localmaxartsize:        1000000
#ldm:030203nnrpdauthsender:        true
nnrpdauthsender:        false
nnrpdpostport:          119
organization:           GIAC GMI
spoolfirst:             false
strippostcc:            false

# Posting -- Exponential Backoff
backoffauth:            false
# Do NOT define 'backoffdb' so innd will not throttle when busy
#ldm#backoffd           /var/spool/news/spool/backoffdb
backoffk:               0
backoffpostfast:        0
backoffpostslow:        0
backofftrigger:         1000000
# Monitoring
doinnwatch:             false
#ldm#doinnwatch:        true
innwatchbatchspace:     800
innwatchlibspace:       25000
#ldm#innwatchloload:    1000
innwatchloload:         3000
#ldm#innwatchhiload:    2000
innwatchhiload:         5000
innwatchpauseload:      1500
innwatchsleeptime:      600
innwatchspoolnodes:     200
innwatchspoolspace:     8000

# Logging

docnfsstat:             false
logartsize:             true
logcancelcomm:          true
#ldm#logcycles:              3
logcycles:              15
logipaddr:              true
logsitename:            true
nnrpdoverstats:         false
nntpactsync:            200
nntplinklog:            false
#ldm#status:                 0
status:                 3600
#ldm#timer:                  0
timer:                  3600
# System Tuning
badiocount:             5
#ldm# try to keep inn running as much and fast as possible
#ldm#blockbackoff:           120
#ldm#chaninacttime:          600
#ldm#chanretrytime:          300
blockbackoff:           1
chaninacttime:          1
chanretrytime:          1
icdsynccount:           10
maxforks:               10
nicekids:               0
nicenewnews:            0
nicennrpd:              0
pauseretrytime:         300
peertimeout:            3600
rlimitnofile:           -1
# Paths
patharchive:            /var/spool/news/spool/archive
patharticles:           /var/spool/news/spool/articles
pathbin:                /usr/bin
pathcontrol:            /usr/bin/control
#ldm#pathdb:            /var/lib/news
pathdb:                 /var/spool/news/db
pathetc:                /var/spool/news/etc
pathfilter:             /usr/bin/filter
#ldm#pathhttp:               /var/log/news
pathhttp:               /var/spool/news/log/http
pathincoming:           /var/spool/news/spool/incoming
pathlog:                /var/spool/news/log
pathnews:               /var/spool/news
pathoutgoing:           /var/spool/news/spool/outgoing
pathoverview:           /var/spool/news/spool/overview
#ldm#pathrun:           /var/run/news
pathrun:                /var/spool/news/run
pathspool:              /var/spool/news/spool
#ldm#pathtmp:           /var/lib/news/tmp
pathtmp:                /var/spool/news/tmp

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