UUDecoding on the FLy?

Kai Henningsen kaih at khms.westfalen.de
Wed Jun 23 06:44:00 UTC 2004

rra at stanford.edu (Russ Allbery)  wrote on 22.06.04 in <87acyvuy54.fsf at windlord.stanford.edu>:

> ozzy at pixelfodder com <ozzy at pixelfodder.com> writes:
> > I looked the archives and haven't found anything on this. I've got a
> > private newsfeed coming in that has multipart mime-encoded data which is
> > the only thing i'm interested in, is there a way I can setup INN to
> > automatically decode that data to the filesystem?
> I'm afraid that INN doesn't have any built-in support for that, but you
> may be able to do it as a feed.
> > I was wondering if it's feasible to setup a script as a 'newsfeed' in
> > the in the newsfeeds file, do you think this would keep me up to the
> > minute on my feeds (ie, putting the data i need into a db as feeds come
> > in)?
> Yes, that should work.  There's a lot of documentation in the newsfeeds
> man page about all the different feed types and how to pass in various
> bits of information to programs.  I'd start by looking there, and then ask
> more if you have additional questions.

I have something like that set up for INN 1.7something:


#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
use POSIX;

my $spool = strftime("/var/spool/news/bin.out/%Y-%W", localtime);
mkdir $spool, 0777;
while (<>) {
	#print "$0: ",Data::Dumper::Dumper(\$_);
	system("/usr/bin/uudeview -i -p $spool $_ >/dev/null 2>&1");

MfG Kai

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