libtool and setenv

Julien ÉLIE julien at
Sat Apr 12 21:25:25 UTC 2008


When using libtool, a test fails:

Failed Set                 Fail/Total (%) Skip Stat  Failing Tests
-------------------------- -------------- ---- ----  ------------------------
lib/setenv                    0/0      0%    0    2  aborted

% ./setenv.t
/home/news/work/inn/trunk/tests/lib/ xrealloc: ../bash/general.c:884: cannot reallocate 262144 bytes (0 bytes allocated)
/home/news/work/inn/trunk/tests/lib/ xrealloc: ../bash/general.c:884: cannot reallocate 262144 bytes (0 bytes allocated)
/home/news/work/inn/trunk/tests/lib/ xrealloc: ../bash/general.c:884: cannot reallocate 262144 bytes (0 bytes allocated)
zsh: exit 2     ./setenv.t

(Note that if is launched from the shell, it works fine,
but there is no ulimit.)

Should we worry about that (a possible bug in INN when using libtool)
or is it "normal"?

Julien ÉLIE

« Plus un ordinateur possède de RAM, plus vite il peut générer un message d'erreur. »

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