Discrepancies in INNshellvars variables

Julien ÉLIE julien at trigofacile.com
Sun Dec 14 18:40:55 UTC 2008

Hi Russ,

> The names should definitely be standardized across all supported
> languages.  This unfortunately breaks backwards compatibility if anyone is
> using the variables that are renamed.

Done for INN 2.5.0.  Only one change for shell scripts (SPOOLBASE -> SPOOLDIR).

>> * Shouldn't the EXPORT stuff be the same everywhere?  Some variables are
>>   exported in the shell script and not in the other scripts.
> Yup, likewise here it should always be the same.


>> * In the Perl script:
>>   $syslog_facility = lc("@SYSLOG_FACILITY@");
>>   $syslog_facility =~ s/log_//;
>>   Shouldn't it also be in the shell and the Tcl scripts?
> Yup.  Less useful in the others, but they might still run logger from the
> command line.

Done in the shell script.

Do you know the syntax for tcl?

We need to translate three commands into tcl:

if [ "$OVMETHOD" = "ovdb" ]; then
    export DB_HOME


$syslog_facility = lc("@SYSLOG_FACILITY@");
$syslog_facility =~ s/log_//;

By the way, I reversed that:

> Revision: 8220
> Remove inn_newslbin from innshellvars.tcl.  It's not present in the
> other versions and isn't used by INN.

It was used in innshellvars.tcl:

set env(PATH) "$inn_newslbin:$inn_newsbin:$env(PATH):/bin:/usr/bin"

ans is also present in the other versions.

Julien ÉLIE

« Plus j'y pense, plus je me dis qu'il n'y a aucune raison pour que le carré
  de l'hypoténuse soit égal à la somme des carrés des deux autres côtés. » (San-Antonio)

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