Discrepancies in INNshellvars variables

Russ Allbery rra at stanford.edu
Mon Dec 15 00:16:07 UTC 2008

Julien ÉLIE <julien at trigofacile.com> writes:

> Do you know the syntax for tcl?
> We need to translate three commands into tcl:
> if [ "$OVMETHOD" = "ovdb" ]; then
>    export DB_HOME
> fi

if { $inn_ovmethod == "ovdb" } {
    set inn_db_home "${inn_pathoverview}"

> umask @NEWSUMASK@


> $syslog_facility = lc("@SYSLOG_FACILITY@");
> $syslog_facility =~ s/log_//;

Lame, but no more lame than some of the other stuff already there:

set inn_syslog_facility [exec echo [string tolower "@SYSLOG_FACILITY@"] | $inn_sed -e {s/log_//}]

There's some way to do this more naturally in Tcl, I'm sure, but I don't
know much about Tcl.

> By the way, I reversed that:
>> Revision: 8220
>> Remove inn_newslbin from innshellvars.tcl.  It's not present in the
>> other versions and isn't used by INN.
> It was used in innshellvars.tcl:
> set env(PATH) "$inn_newslbin:$inn_newsbin:$env(PATH):/bin:/usr/bin"
> ans is also present in the other versions.

Ah, yes, thank you.  I'd missed that.

Russ Allbery (rra at stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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