hissqlite (was Re: ovsqlite)

Bo Lindbergh 2bfjdsla52kztwejndzdstsxl9athp at gmail.com
Fri Dec 25 06:26:14 UTC 2020

Quoth Russ Allbery <eagle at eyrie.org>:
> (I have been dubious for a while whether that level of indirection in the
> build system is worth it.  The theory is that it makes it easy to drop in
> a new backend, and makes it easy to deactivate backends, but honestly, how
> often do we do that?  One option might be to get rid of that indirection
> entirely.)

And it's apparently too hard to get right.
From storage/buildconfig.in before I ever touched it:
>             if (defined $$config{number}{$number}) {
>                 die "$dir/$file: method number $number was already "
>                     . "allocated in $$config{number}{$number}\n";
>             }
>             $$config{number}{$dir} = $number;
Checking $$config{number}{$number} for collisions doesn't work
when the actual assignment is to $$config{number}{$dir}.

/Bo Lindbergh

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