Is it possible to dynamically add new zone in bind 8.2.1?

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Aug 24 15:07:01 UTC 1999

>>>>> ">" == G Liu <gliu at> writes:

    >> What's the difference between "ndc reload" and send SIGHUP
    >> signal to named?

ndc is the new (preferred) way to control the name server. Sending
signals is the old way. Currently, the control interface via signals
is for backwards compatibility. It isn't as flexible as ndc. The ndc
program has finer-grained controls - reloading individual zones, no
need to be root, etc. It's a far better way to control named. Also,
the signals interface will be removed from BIND Real Soon Now. When
that happens, people who send HUPs to named will get a nasty surprise:
the name server will die rather than reload itself or dump its cache
or whatever.

Another problem with the signals interface is that what certain
signals did to the name server changed depending on the version of
BIND. For instance SIGILL generates a stats dump for BIND8, but in
BIND4.9 it's SIGIOT which does this. Keeping track of what a certain
signal does to BIND X.Y.Z is too much like hard work, especially when
you have lots of different name servers and/or operating systems.

Moral: just use ndc and don't even think about using signals.

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