Upgrade to BIND 8.2.1 from BIND 4.9.4 on Solaris

choe at skgamerica.com choe at skgamerica.com
Wed Dec 20 19:42:05 UTC 2000


I'm a newbie to DNS and BIND world.  I tried to install BIND 8.2.1 on Solairs
2.6 and later found out that Solaris 2.6 had BIND 4.9.4 already impledmented.
Anyways, I built named.conf file and all data files as instructed and modified
/etc/inet.d/inetsvc to look for named.conf instead of named.boot.  When I
reboot, however, the system starts named 4.9.4 and looks for named.boot and of
course DNS server doesn't start.  Can anyone help pleaseeeeeeee?  Thanks


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