Web notify usind DNS

@quasar Internet Solutions, Inc. shore at quasar.net
Tue Dec 25 23:33:40 UTC 2001

Hi Manuel,

At one point a long time ago, my senior admin had figured out what he
believed to be the actual algorhythm for which nameserver would be hit.
We decided it was by far too complicated to be of any practical use.  But
in understanding that primary is not primary and secondary is not
secondary you already understand what perhaps a good portion of the
internet does not ;)

But actually I don't think the nameserver order is going to solve what you
are trying to do anyway.  Assuming the first nameserver is on the machine
with the websites on one network and the second on a different machine on
a different network, then forcing traffic to the second nameserver would
just send the traffic to look for the first machine which at that point is
essentially disconnected from the net.  The main difference I can think of
would be if someone tried to traceroute to you the traceroute would try to
go somewhere and without it, it wouldn't even try.  

So if I understand your question correctly, what I think you are really
wanting to look into would be something like bgp routing.  In this case,  
the first nameserver is actually routed on two (or more) different
backbones and if the first network fails after a specified number of tries
or specified number of time, the machine would become connected to the net
on the other backbone regardless of the nameserver.

Unless you are already on such a network and are looking for how to effect
that switch...and that would be a different question.

     -=Dena Whitebirch=-       
@quasar Internet Solutions, Inc.

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001, Manuel Mollar wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a web server (i.e. www.example.com) on the same machine than DNS for that domain.
> The internet connection for this server fails frequently, so I want to redirect users accessing this page to other
> server in a different network, where the server simply notifies the failure of the "true" server.
> I have tried to do it using the other name server for the domain, that gives a different IP, but the problem is if two
> name servers for a domain give different IPs for a server, I cannot control the precedence that name servers use to
> decide which name server use for the domain. So, frequently, the "false" server is reached instead the "true" even if
> this is well connected.
> My questions:
> There is some way to indicate a precedence for name servers for a domain?
> Some one has a better idea to solve the problem? (I cannot replicate web contents ;-)

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