BIND9 as a local DNS

Simon Waters Simon at
Mon Nov 11 16:51:46 UTC 2002

Udo Fiebelkorn wrote:
> Hi group,
> I tried to set up a local DNS for my LAN at home. What I want is as follows:
> 1.) Resolving of all local (i.e. my own computers) adresses and
> 2.) All other requests to be forwarded to my ISP's DNS
> How do I have to set up BIND9? As a master or as a slave? Thanks for your help,

You "master" zones that you use at home.

Typically then you will master a zone like "myhouse.internal."
and part of the RFC1918 address space, perhaps

All other requests to your ISPs DNS servers, would mean setting
a zone "." of "type forward" to "forward only", and supply a
list of forwarders. Alternatively if you do nothing(!) BIND 9
will take answers from the root name servers, which is probably
more reliable, and easier to configure, than setting up

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