What does this error mean??? "no BIND for this system in this kit"?

Mark_Andrews at isc.org Mark_Andrews at isc.org
Thu Dec 4 22:39:38 UTC 2003

> I tried a "make install" and recieved
> "There is no BIND port for this system in this kit"
> I got the source for binf 8.4.3 and am using it in a aix 5.1

	BIND 8 has only ever been tested on aix32 and aix4.

	Copy src/port/aix4 to src/port/aix5
	Fix src/port/aix5/probe so that it succeeds.

	Let bind-bugs at isc.org know what the result is.
> Claudio L.
Mark Andrews, Internet Software Consortium
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark.Andrews at isc.org

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