Upgrade 9 to 9.22 - How?

phn at icke-reklam.ipsec.nu phn at icke-reklam.ipsec.nu
Fri Oct 17 07:03:10 UTC 2003

Cody <austinguy23 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> All,

> I am running BIND 9 on a Solaris 8 SPARC server and want to upgrade to
> BIND 9.2.2 to plug the recent security vulnerabilities.  Could someone
> please post an easy-to-understand process to go about doing this?

> Do I have to uninstall the current implementation of BIND before
> installing the new version, or can I simply install the new version
> directly on top of the current one?

> Also, I will need to upgrade my OpenSSL to v0.9.7c from what I
> understand.  What is the process of upgrading to this version?  Again,
> must I uninstall the current impmlementation before installing the new
> version, or can I simply install the new version atop the current one?

> Any help is appreciated, as I'm pretty new at this.

Start with retreiving bind-9.2.2 sources from isc, unpack and read the

doc/misc/migration might be a startingpoint.

As for the actual software, sunfreeware.com _should_ have a copy
for you, which might be handy unless you installed sun's compiler.

The issue of where you install the software is your descition,youve 
got three options, all with pros and cons :

1/ install OVER the old ones pro: startup scripts will continue
to work con: future uodates from sum will overwrite your bind-9

2/ install somewhere else (/usr/Local  ) pro: easy backup-out,
sun wont overwrite your software  con: you will have to create
new startscripts  and old versions of utilities will be floating
around i the system. You even risk that the old bind get's 
running again if administrative mistakes are done.

3/ find a hybrid of the above.

> Thanks,

> Cody

Peter Håkanson         
        IPSec  Sverige      ( At Gothenburg Riverside )
           Sorry about my e-mail address, but i'm trying to keep spam out,
	   remove "icke-reklam" if you feel for mailing me. Thanx.

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