Need to improve named performance

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Sun Nov 11 20:48:26 UTC 2012

On 11/10/2012 1:39 PM, Ed LaFrance wrote:
> Hello all -
> First post to this list, hope I'm on the right place.
> Running BIND 9.3.6-P1-RedHat-9.3.6-16.P1.el5 on a quadcore xeon server 
> (3Ghz) with 2GB RAM. Named is being used only for rDNS queries against 
> our address space.
> The issue is that named is not keeping up with rdns requests. The 
> nameserver is only doing rdns, and it's the only public process on the 
> server (no webhosting, monitoring, etc).
> When I check the router above this server I'll see 200 - 500 
> legitimate connections to this server at any given time. This is 
> what's happening: named is not keeping up with the requests, so the 
> network receive queue fills up - I can see this with netstat:
> netstat -tulpn | grep :53
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address     
> PID/Program name
> ...
> udp   110048      0 * 3918/named
> udp   110048      0   * 3918/named
> (two different IPs are on this machine to handle rDNS reqeusts)
> Once the queue gets near the max value set by sysctl, udp packets 
> start to drop - this can also be seen in netstat:
>  netstat -su
> ...
> Udp:
>     5157567 packets received
>     9761 packets to unknown port received.
>     1164232 packet receive errors
>     5157554 packets sent
> The errors apparently correspond to drops; the only increase when the 
> queue is full.
> Of course by this point dns queries are timing out. I've tried 
> increasing the queue size with sysctl using this command:
> sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=1048576 net.core.rmem_default=10485
> then restarting named; that did eliminate the drops, but the queue 
> grows gigantic and I get pretty much 100% dns lookup timeouts at that 
> point.
> The server loading is about 2.0 - busy, not not overwhelmed, I can run 
> a shell or even a gui session on it with ease so it's by no means 
> maxed out. Here's the first slice of top output:
> top - 09:13:38 up 18:40,  1 user,  load average: 2.09, 2.05, 2.00
> Tasks: 175 total,   1 running, 174 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> Cpu(s):  0.2%us,  0.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 74.8%id, 24.7%wa,  0.0%hi, 0.2%si, 
> 0.0%st
> Mem:   2074984k total,  1743584k used,   331400k free,   166588k buffers
> Swap:  4128760k total,       28k used,  4128732k free,  1270032k cached
>  4509 named     24   0 71004 4580 2036 S  1.3  0.2   0:46.74 named
>  6877 root      15   0  2428 1064  788 R  0.7  0.1   0:00.04 top
>   467 root      10  -5     0    0    0 D  0.3  0.0   2:59.13 kjournald
>  2460 root      18   0  1816  584  484 D  0.3  0.0   3:30.35 syslogd
>     1 root      15   0  2160  644  556 S  0.0  0.0   0:01.08 init
> The bottom line is: I need to improve named performance. Tcpdump only 
> shows about 20 requests per second on average, I would estimate. This 
> should be handled easily, but instead it's gagging on it and the 
> requests are stacking up. If you have any ideas, I welcome your input. 
> Here's named.conf, it's pretty basic for the global config, the data 
> for each zone is stored separately elsewhere:
> options {
>         directory "/var";
>         auth-nxdomain no;
>         pid-file "/var/run/named/";
>         allow-recursion {
>                 localnets;
>         };
>         allow-transfer {
>             "none";
>         };
> };
> key "rndc-key" {
>         algorithm hmac-md5;
>         secret "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
> };
> controls {
>         inet port 953
>         allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
> };
> zone "." {
>         type hint;
>         file "named.root";
> };
> zone "0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
>         type master;
>         file "localhost.rev";
> };

I wouldn't expect a nameserver process on Linux, hosting only a few 
reverse zones and doing nothing else, to be 71 megabytes in size; I just 
checked one of ours, serving *all* of our internal zone data, forward 
and reverse authoritative, plus some cached data for a significant 
number of zones delegated to business partners, and it's less than 100 
Mb in size.

Verify from your query logs, or by dumping cache, that it's *only* doing 
what it is supposed to do, and no more. If you've got a bunch of data in 
your cache, or a bunch of queries, that's unrelated to serving your 
reverse DNS, then that's probably the root cause of your problem. 
Consider turning off recursion, or severely limiting it, in order to 
enforce that the nameserver is only serving its intended purpose. 2Gb of 
memory is a little lean for a nameserver serving a *generic* 
Internet-name-lookup role...

I guess another possibility is that you've gone crazy with your reverse 
zones (e.g. using $GENERATE willy-nilly), and thus are using up way more 
memory than you really need, to serve your reverse-resolution needs.

                                     - Kevin

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