DynDB - handling arbitrary zones

Klaus Malorny Klaus.Malorny at knipp.de
Mon Apr 1 10:17:04 UTC 2019

On 01.04.19 11:18, Petr Mensik wrote:
> Hi Klaus,
> [...]

Thanks for the response. I have seen the LDAP implementation, but haven't looked 
deeper into it. Maybe I will.

The main problem is that I don't know which zones I will have to serve 
beforehand, and they may be many and may change over time, i.e. simply the 
typical pattern of an ISP. I want to avoid to dynamically create the 
configuration file and trigger the reloading process. One idea I will examine 
further is whether it would be possible to register the root domain (".") and so 
to become responsible for any possible name. However, there might be some 
assumptions on the side of BIND that might spoil the idea.



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