Memory corruption after AXFER

Cody.Gibson at Cody.Gibson at
Wed Feb 2 21:14:44 UTC 2000

I am trying to track down what appears to be some sort of memory corruption
by AXFER in my OS/2 port of BIND 8.2. I would like to hear from anyone that
can reproduce this, or knows how to fix it. If I do the following:

>ls -d <any active primary domain name here... I'm using>
<results displayed here>
>ndc reconfig

I get an access violation inside of __memget_record() where it's dealing
with the freelists[] array (line 292) because a "next" pointer is invalid.
The "ls -d" works fine by itself, even when repeating it. Also "ndc
reconfig" works fine (even if repeated many times) if NOT preceded by an
AXFER. It's the combination of the 2 that is deadly.

It would be very useful to know if I am dealing with an OS/2 port specific
problem, or a problem that exists in the common code base. Thx for any help
you can provide.

Cody Gibson

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