problems configuring option 120

David W. Hankins dhankins at
Mon Dec 7 20:28:27 UTC 2009

On Mon, Dec 07, 2009 at 11:13:44AM +0100, "Martínez García, Rebeca" wrote:
> 	option sip-servers code 120 = ip-address;

The indentation tells me you put this in your subnet {} clause or
similar.  This is a declaration of the option's format, it has to be
globally scoped as the warning tries to say;

> /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf line 14: option definitions may not be scoped.
>       option sip-servers code 
>                ^

However, the SIP-Servers option declared on code 120 (RFC 3361) shows
a "conditional format" key on the first octet, so the syntax you have
declared would not be compatible with RFC 3361.

To make it compatible you'll need an unsigned 8 bit integer ahead of
the IP address array, and then declare a 1 value for the encoding byte
to use the IP-address format (0 is FQDN).

These conditional formats are hard to implement...

David W. Hankins	BIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer		There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

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