inews not allowed to post with Approved header under -CURRENT

Russ Allbery rra at
Mon May 7 14:03:24 UTC 2001

Peter Gradwell <peter at> writes:

> In my readers.conf file, I've got the following, however, it's not working.

> auth "localhost" {
>      hosts: "localhost,, stdin"
>      default: "<localhost>"
> }

> access "localhost" {
>      users: "<localhost>"
>      newsgroups: "*"
>      access: "RPA"
> }

Is this all that's in readers.conf, and in particular are you sure that
you don't have any later auth group that's assigning a different identity
to localhost, or a later access group that's giving a different set of
access rules to <localhost>?

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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