SERVER perl filter not defined

Russ Allbery rra at
Sat Mar 27 06:16:25 UTC 2004

Daniel Marsh <jaleco at> writes:

> Ok, on the server I've had/got this working on I don't have a
> and I don't get that error either.

I would assume that that server isn't built with Perl filtering.  In any
event, this isn't actually a problem; the error message isn't hurting
anything.  It just says that you don't have an innd Perl filter, which you

> Maybe I am looking at this in the wrong way, but what I want to do is
> filter incoming posts from readers and modify the headers for their post
> before it hit's the news server.

Yup, will do that.

I don't think you actually have a problem.  :)

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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