inn 2.5.1 in freebsd jail with buffindexed

Michael Grimm inn-workers at
Sun Nov 29 11:53:02 UTC 2009

Hi Robert --

> I try to run inn 2.5.1 in a freebsd 7.2 jail, but it fails to start.
> I compiled both db and inn from source.

I used the db47 port instead, and compiled INN from source.

> ./configure --enable-ipv6 --with-berkeleydb --with-perl --with-python
> --with-openssl --prefix=/opt/news

Julien already mentioned that you compiled your INN with ovdb support
which doesn't make sense if you plan to use buffindexed instead.

I upgraded from 2.4.6 to 2.5.1 a couple of days ago. My server runs FBSD
7.2, and I do have some service jails (administration by ezjail)
installed. One hosts my reader INN, and here I do use ovdb without any
issues. If you opt for ovdb instead of buffindexed then I would highly
recommend for adding "--with-zlib" (new compression mode for ovdb).

> I for now think the jail setup is the cullprit, but I'm not certain.
> excerpt rc.conf:
> ~
> jail_zompig_devfs_enable="YES"
> jail_zompig_fdescfs_enable="YES"               # mount fdescfs in the jail
> jail_zompig_procfs_enable="YES"                # mount procfs in jail
> ~

I use ...
| ezjail_procfs_enable="NO"
| ezjail_fdescfs_enable="NO"
... instead. I do not need those two options in all my jails.

> Or willing to provide me some insight where to look ?

Shot in the dark: FBSD 8.0 is out some days now. There's a lot of
improvements regarding jails. But I'm not sure if this involves shared
memory as well, actually I doubt.


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